Adding Weather Information to Your iPhone Lock Screen: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Adding weather information to your iPhone lock screen is a breeze. It’s a handy feature that allows you to quickly check the day’s forecast without unlocking your phone. This quick guide will show you how to set it up in just a few steps.

Step by Step Tutorial: Adding Weather Information to Your iPhone Lock Screen

Before we dive into the steps, let’s clarify what we’re aiming for here. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have the weather information displayed right on your lock screen. This means you can see the temperature, conditions, and even the forecast with just a glance.

Step 1: Ensure Location Services are Enabled

The first thing you need to do is make sure that Location Services are turned on for the Weather app.

Location Services allows your iPhone to provide you with accurate weather information based on your current location. To enable it, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services, and make sure it’s turned on. Then, scroll down to find the Weather app and select ‘While Using the App’.

Step 2: Add Weather Widget to Lock Screen

Next, swipe right on your lock screen to access the Today View and scroll down to edit. Tap the ‘Edit’ button, find the Weather widget, and add it.

The Weather widget comes in different sizes, so you can choose how much information you want to be displayed. You can add a small widget that shows the current temperature, or a larger one that includes the forecast.

Step 3: Rearrange Widgets as Necessary

Now that you’ve added the Weather widget, you might want to rearrange your widgets to make sure it’s easily visible.

Simply press and hold the widget, then drag it to your preferred position. Remember, the closer it is to the top, the easier it will be to see without scrolling.

Step 4: Lock Your iPhone and Test It Out

Lastly, lock your iPhone and test out the new feature by waking your phone and swiping right to see the Weather widget on your lock screen.

Now, every time you pick up your iPhone, you’ll have the weather information at a glance—no need to unlock your phone or open an app.

After completing these steps, the weather information will be easily accessible from your iPhone’s lock screen. You’ll be able to check the day’s forecast quickly, which is especially useful when you’re on the go.

Tips: Enhancing Your Experience with Weather on your iPhone Lock Screen

  • Make sure your Weather app is updated to the latest version for the best experience.
  • If you live in an area with fluctuating weather, consider using a larger widget to see the full forecast.
  • Customize the location settings for the Weather app if you want to see the forecast for a specific location, rather than your current one.
  • Remember that using Location Services can affect your battery life, so keep an eye on your iPhone’s battery if you have it enabled all the time.
  • Use the Weather widget in combination with other widgets to create a personalized Today View that meets all your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Today View on the iPhone?

The Today View is a screen you can access by swiping right on your lock screen or home screen. It’s where you can add widgets for quick access to information and features from your apps.

Can I see the weather for multiple locations on my lock screen?

Yes, you can add multiple Weather widgets for different locations. Just edit the widget settings to display the forecast for the area you’re interested in.

Will the Weather widget update automatically?

Yes, the widget updates periodically to give you the latest weather information.

Why can’t I see the Weather widget on my lock screen?

Make sure you’ve added the widget in the Today View, and that you’re swiping right to access it from your lock screen. Also, check if you’ve properly set up Location Services.

Can I use this feature on an iPad?

No, the lock screen Weather widget feature is currently only available for iPhones.


  1. Enable Location Services for the Weather app.
  2. Add the Weather widget to the Today View.
  3. Arrange widgets for better visibility.
  4. Lock your iPhone and swipe right to test the widget.


So there you have it, a simple and quick way to keep up with the ever-changing whims of mother nature directly from your lock screen. Whether you’re planning a picnic, wondering if you should grab an umbrella, or just curious about the weather, this feature ensures you’re always prepared. It’s a small tweak that makes a big difference in your daily routine. Integrating technology seamlessly into our lives is what makes smartphones such an essential tool, and features like adding weather information to your iPhone lock screen are perfect examples of this. So go ahead, give it a try, and never be caught off guard by a sudden downpour or an unexpectedly sunny day again!