Disabling Autoplay in Spotify: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Are you tired of Spotify automatically playing songs that you might not be in the mood for? Disabling autoplay in Spotify is a simple task that can save you from unexpected tunes. Just a few clicks in the settings, and boom – you’re in control of your playlist again.

Step by Step Tutorial: Disabling Autoplay in Spotify

Before we dive into the steps, know that turning off autoplay means that once your playlist or album ends, Spotify won’t play similar tracks. You’ll have silence until you choose something new to play.

Step 1: Open the Spotify app

Open your Spotify app on your device.

When you open the Spotify app, make sure you’re logged in to your account. If not, log in with your username and password.

Step 2: Go to ‘Your Library’

Tap on ‘Your Library’ at the bottom of the screen.

‘Your Library’ is where you’ll find all your playlists, albums, and songs you’ve saved. It’s also where the settings are hidden.

Step 3: Access settings

Tap on the gear icon in the top right corner to access settings.

The gear icon is universal for settings in most apps, so that’s where you should always look first when you want to change something.

Step 4: Scroll down to ‘Playback’

In the settings menu, scroll down until you find the ‘Playback’ option.

‘Playback’ settings are all about how the music… well, plays back! This includes volume level, sound quality, and, of course, autoplay.

Step 5: Toggle off ‘Autoplay’

Find the ‘Autoplay’ option and switch the toggle to the off position.

The toggle button will go from green to grey when it’s off, which means no more endless tunes unless you want them!

After completing these steps, your Spotify won’t automatically play similar tracks after finishing an album or playlist. You’ll have to manually choose what to listen to next, giving you complete control over your listening experience.

Tips: Getting the Most Out of Spotify

  • Create your own playlists to stay in control of what plays next.
  • Use the ‘Like’ feature to fine-tune Spotify’s recommendations to your taste.
  • Explore different genres and artists to keep your listening experience fresh.
  • Consider using Spotify’s ‘Private Session’ feature if you don’t want your friends to see what you’re jamming to.
  • Remember, you can always re-enable autoplay by following the same steps and toggling it back on.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I disable autoplay?

Your music will stop playing at the end of your playlist or album, and you’ll have to manually select what to play next.

Can I disable autoplay on all my devices at once?

No, you’ll need to disable autoplay on each device individually.

Does disabling autoplay affect my data usage?

Disabling autoplay can help reduce data usage since it won’t keep streaming music you might not be listening to.

Will my playlists be affected if I turn off autoplay?

No, your playlists will remain the same. You’ll just need to start them manually.

Can I still use Spotify Radio if autoplay is off?

Yes, Spotify Radio will work as usual. Autoplay is only related to your albums and playlists.


  1. Open the Spotify app.
  2. Go to ‘Your Library’.
  3. Access settings.
  4. Scroll down to ‘Playback’.
  5. Toggle off ‘Autoplay’.


In conclusion, disabling autoplay in Spotify can give you a sense of control over your music listening experience. Like a DJ at your own private party, you decide what tracks to play and when. No more sudden shifts to songs that don’t fit the vibe you’re going for. While Spotify’s autoplay feature can introduce you to new tunes, sometimes we all crave a more curated experience. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can take charge of your audio journey and ensure that every beat, note, and melody is there because you want it to be. Have fun crafting the soundtrack to your life, one playlist at a time. Remember, Spotify is a powerful tool for music discovery, but it’s also your personal music library that should feel like home.