How to Do Depth Effect Wallpaper: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Creating a depth effect wallpaper can really bring a sense of dimension and drama to any room. This effect gives the illusion that the wall has more depth than it actually does, making your space feel larger and more dynamic. It’s a fantastic way to update a room without breaking the bank. And the best part? You can totally do it yourself with a few simple materials and steps. Let’s dive in and learn how to make your walls pop with depth!

Step by Step Tutorial to Create Depth Effect Wallpaper

Before we get started, it’s important to understand what these steps will do. By following this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a wallpaper that gives the illusion of depth, which can make your room seem larger and more interesting.

Step 1: Choose the Right Wallpaper

Select a wallpaper design that has a strong sense of perspective or a repeating pattern.

Choosing the right wallpaper is crucial when creating a depth effect. Look for patterns that have clear lines or shapes that seem to ‘go back’ into the wall, like stripes, chevrons, or geometrics. These patterns trick the eye into seeing more depth than there really is.

Step 2: Prepare Your Wall

Make sure your wall is clean, smooth, and primed before you start applying the wallpaper.

A good prep job is key to a successful wallpaper application. Repair any holes or bumps and sand down the surface for a smooth finish. A primer will help the wallpaper adhere better and make the colors pop.

Step 3: Measure and Cut

Measure your wall and cut strips of wallpaper to fit, leaving a little extra at the edges.

Accuracy is important to make sure the pattern matches up and looks seamless. Use a sharp blade for clean cuts and always double-check your measurements before cutting.

Step 4: Apply the Wallpaper

Carefully apply the wallpaper to your wall, starting from the top and smoothing out any bubbles or wrinkles.

Start from one corner and work your way across, using a smoothing tool to push out any air trapped under the wallpaper. Take your time to ensure it’s applied evenly for the best depth effect.

Step 5: Trim and Finish

Trim the excess wallpaper at the edges and corners for a neat finish.

Use a straight edge and a sharp blade to cut away the extra wallpaper. Be precise and careful to get clean lines that match up perfectly with the corners and edges of your wall.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a stunning depth effect wallpaper that adds character and dimension to your room. It’s a great project for anyone looking to add a personal touch to their living space.

Tips for Perfect Depth Effect Wallpaper

  • Choose a wallpaper with a large-scale pattern for a more dramatic depth effect.
  • Use a high-quality adhesive to ensure the wallpaper stays put and looks great for years to come.
  • When matching patterns, start from the focal point of your room to ensure the most visible areas are perfect.
  • A smoother tool like a plastic smoother or a dry sponge can help get rid of bubbles without damaging the wallpaper.
  • Consider hiring a professional if you’re not confident in your wallpapering skills, as the depth effect relies on precise application.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my wallpaper pattern doesn’t match up perfectly?

Don’t fret! Small discrepancies are normal, especially in corners or around windows. Focus on aligning the parts of the wall that are most visible.

Can depth effect wallpaper be used in small rooms?

Absolutely! In fact, a depth effect can make a small room feel larger and more open.

Is it possible to create a depth effect with paint instead of wallpaper?

Yes, but it’s more challenging. You’d need to be skilled in painting techniques that create the illusion of depth, like trompe l’oeil.

How do I make sure the wallpaper sticks to the wall?

Use a good-quality adhesive and make sure to press out all the air bubbles during application.

Can I do this project on a textured wall?

It’s best to apply depth effect wallpaper on a smooth surface for the best result. You may need to sand or skim coat a textured wall before applying wallpaper.


  1. Choose a wallpaper with a perspective or repeating pattern.
  2. Prepare your wall by cleaning and priming.
  3. Measure and cut the wallpaper to fit.
  4. Apply the wallpaper smoothly to the wall.
  5. Trim excess wallpaper for a neat finish.


Creating depth effect wallpaper is a fun and rewarding DIY project that can transform any room in your home. With the right tools, a bit of patience, and an eye for detail, you can create a stunning visual effect that will impress anyone who walks into the space. Remember, the key to achieving that perfect illusion of depth lies in choosing the right pattern and meticulously applying the wallpaper. Once completed, your new depth effect wallpaper will not only add character to your walls but also instill a sense of spaciousness and sophistication. So go ahead, pick out that perfect pattern, and get ready to make your walls pop with depth and style!