How to Pin Safari on iPhone 13: Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Pinning Safari on your iPhone 13 is a breeze! In a few simple steps, you’ll have your favorite browser at your fingertips, ready to launch at a moment’s notice. It’s all about making your digital life more convenient, and who doesn’t want that? Let’s dive in and get Safari pinned to your iPhone 13, shall we?

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Pin Safari on iPhone 13

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me tell you what we’re aiming for. By the end of these steps, Safari will be easily accessible from your iPhone 13’s home screen or dock, giving you quick access to the internet whenever you need it.

Step 1: Locate Safari on Your iPhone

First things first, find the Safari app on your iPhone. It’s usually on the home screen or in a folder.

Safari’s icon looks like a compass, and it’s typically one of the default apps on your iPhone, so it shouldn’t be tough to spot. If you’ve moved it to a folder, just navigate through your apps until you find it.

Step 2: Touch and Hold the Safari Icon

Once you’ve located Safari, touch and hold the icon until a menu appears or the icons start to jiggle.

This action makes the apps on your iPhone enter what’s called "jiggle mode," which allows you to rearrange or delete apps. You might also see a list of quick actions, but for now, just focus on the jiggling icons.

Step 3: Drag Safari to Your Preferred Location

With Safari jiggling, drag the icon to your desired location on the home screen or dock.

If you want to pin Safari to your dock (that’s the bar at the bottom of your iPhone screen that’s visible on all home screen pages), make sure there’s room for it. You might need to move another app out of the way first.

Step 4: Press the "Done" Button

Once Safari is where you want it, press the "Done" button in the top right corner of your iPhone screen or press the Home button if your iPhone has one.

And voila! You’ve successfully pinned Safari to your iPhone 13’s home screen or dock. Now, with a single tap, you can access the internet faster than ever before.

After pinning Safari on your iPhone 13, the browser will always be within easy reach, allowing for quick web searches and browsing. Whether it’s checking the latest news or catching up on social media, Safari is just a tap away.

Tips for Pinning Safari on iPhone 13

  • If you have a lot of apps, use the Search function to quickly find Safari.
  • Remember that you can only have four apps in the dock, so choose wisely!
  • If you change your mind, you can always move Safari back to its original location.
  • Consider grouping similar apps together to keep your home screen organized.
  • Regularly update your iPhone to ensure you have the latest features and bug fixes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I unpin Safari from my iPhone 13?

To unpin Safari, simply enter jiggle mode and drag the app away from the dock or move it to a different spot on your home screen.

Can I pin more than one browser to my iPhone 13’s dock?

Yes, you can pin multiple browsers to the dock, but the maximum number of apps in the dock is four.

What should I do if I can’t find the Safari app on my iPhone 13?

If Safari seems to be missing, use the App Library or the Search function to locate it. If it’s still not found, check if it’s been deleted and reinstall it from the App Store.

Can I pin Safari to the lock screen of my iPhone 13?

No, you can’t pin apps to the lock screen. The lock screen can display notifications and widgets, but not apps.

Is it possible to pin a specific website to my iPhone 13’s home screen?

Yes, while in Safari, you can use the Share button to add a webpage to your home screen, creating a shortcut that acts like an app.


  1. Locate Safari on your iPhone.
  2. Touch and hold the Safari icon.
  3. Drag Safari to your preferred location.
  4. Press the "Done" button or the Home button.


So, there you have it – a straightforward guide on how to pin Safari on your iPhone 13. It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance your mobile browsing experience, keeping your favorite browser just a touch away. Whether you’re a power user or just someone who likes to keep things tidy, pinning Safari is a smart move.

Remember, the home screen and dock of your iPhone are your command centers, and you have the power to customize them to suit your needs. By following the tips mentioned and staying curious with your iPhone’s features, you’ll become a pro in no time. Don’t forget, technology is here to make life easier, so take advantage of these handy tricks.

And hey, why stop at Safari? Once you get the hang of pinning apps, you can organize all your most-used applications to be as accessible as possible. Happy browsing, and may your internet adventures on your iPhone 13 be swift and satisfying!