How to See What Apple is Charging You For: A Guide


Ted Stinson

Ever scratched your head trying to figure out why there’s an unexpected charge from Apple on your bank statement? Fear not, because you’re about to learn how to quickly and easily see what Apple is charging you for. After reading this, you’ll be an expert at deciphering those mysterious charges.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to See What Apple is Charging You For

Before we dive into the steps, let’s get a grasp on what we’re trying to accomplish. We’re going to navigate through Apple’s digital labyrinth to find a detailed list of your purchases and subscriptions. This will help you identify exactly what you’re being charged for, and you might even discover some old subscriptions you forgot about!

Step 1: Go to your Apple ID account page

This step is all about accessing your account details.

To get started, you’ll need to sign in to your Apple ID account page. This can be done by visiting and entering your Apple ID and password. Once logged in, you’ll be able to see an overview of your account details.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Purchase History’ section

Here, you’ll find a record of your transactions with Apple.

After you’ve accessed your account, you’ll want to click on ‘Purchase History’. This will bring up a list of all the transactions made with your Apple ID. You’ll be able to see everything from app purchases to subscription renewals.

Step 3: Review your purchases and subscriptions

It’s time to play detective and examine the charges.

Now that you have your purchase history in front of you, take some time to review it. Look for any unexpected charges and take note of what they are. If you see a subscription you no longer use or want, you can take steps to cancel it.

After completing the above steps, you’ll have a clear understanding of what you’re being charged for by Apple. You might find some surprises, but at least you’ll be in the know and can make informed decisions about your subscriptions and purchases moving forward.

Tips: How to Better Understand Charges from Apple

  • Keep a regular check on your purchase history to avoid any surprises on your bank statement.
  • If you have family sharing set up, make sure to check the purchases of your family members as these will appear on your statement too.
  • Always read the terms and conditions of subscriptions to understand how often you’ll be charged.
  • Use Apple’s ‘Report a Problem’ feature if you see a charge you don’t recognize or disagree with.
  • Consider setting up purchase notifications on your Apple devices to get alerted every time a purchase is made.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I see a charge I don’t recognize?

If you come across a charge that doesn’t seem familiar, use the ‘Report a Problem’ feature on Apple’s website to flag it with customer service.

Can I get a refund for a mistaken purchase?

Apple may offer refunds for mistaken purchases, but they are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Report the issue as soon as possible for the best chance of getting a refund.

How can I prevent future unexpected charges?

To prevent unexpected charges, regularly review your subscriptions and turn on purchase notifications.

Why might there be multiple charges in a short period?

Sometimes, if you make multiple purchases, Apple may group them into a single transaction.

What should I do if I find an old subscription I no longer use?

If you find an old subscription you no longer use, you can cancel it directly from your Apple ID account page to prevent future charges.


  1. Visit your Apple ID account page.
  2. Click on ‘Purchase History’.
  3. Review your purchases and subscriptions.


Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of how to check what Apple is charging you for, you’ll never be caught off guard by an unexpected charge again. Regularly monitoring your purchase history and subscriptions is a good habit to adopt, ensuring you’re only paying for what you truly want and use. Remember, staying on top of your digital finances is just as important as managing your physical wallet. So, take control, scrutinize those statements, and make every penny count. Happy tracking, and here’s to a charge-free future (well, at least of the surprise sort)!