How to Lock WhatsApp in iPhone 13: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Locking WhatsApp on your iPhone 13 is a simple process that enhances your privacy and security. Essentially, you’ll be setting up a passcode or using Face ID to restrict access to the app. This way, you are the only one who gets to see your messages. Let’s dive into the steps to get this set up on your device.

How to Lock WhatsApp on iPhone 13 Step by Step Tutorial

Before we jump into the steps, it’s important to understand what we’re doing here. By locking WhatsApp, we’re adding an extra layer of security to the app. This prevents anyone who doesn’t have the passcode or Face ID from accessing your messages. Ready? Let’s get started.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp Settings

First things first, open WhatsApp and tap on ‘Settings’ at the bottom-right corner.

When you’re in the settings, you’ll be able to access several options to customize your WhatsApp experience. But for now, we’re focusing on the privacy settings.

Step 2: Select Account

Next, tap on ‘Account’ to access your privacy and security settings.

Here, you’ll find options to secure your account and adjust privacy settings related to your profile, status, and messages.

Step 3: Tap on Privacy

Now, tap ‘Privacy’ to get to the screen where you can set up a screen lock for WhatsApp.

The privacy settings are crucial because they control who can see your information and how you interact with others on the app.

Step 4: Enable Screen Lock

Finally, scroll down and turn on ‘Screen Lock’ with the toggle switch.

Once you enable this feature, you’ll be prompted to set up either Face ID or a passcode, depending on your preference and iPhone capabilities.

After completing these steps, your WhatsApp will require authentication whenever you open it. This means that your messages are safe even if you leave your iPhone 13 unattended or if it falls into the wrong hands.

Tips for Locking WhatsApp on iPhone 13

  • Make sure your iPhone’s software is up to date for the best performance and security.
  • If you’re using a passcode, choose a unique code that’s not easily guessable.
  • Remember to lock your iPhone itself with a passcode or Face ID for an extra layer of security.
  • Check the screen lock settings periodically to ensure they are still enabled.
  • Let close friends or family know about your secured WhatsApp in case of emergencies where they need access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Touch ID to lock WhatsApp on iPhone 13?

No, iPhone 13 models do not have Touch ID. They use Face ID or a passcode for authentication.

What happens if I forget my WhatsApp passcode?

If you forget your passcode, you’ll need to disable and then re-enable Screen Lock to set up a new one.

Can I still answer calls if WhatsApp is locked?

Yes, you can still answer WhatsApp calls even when the app is locked.

Will locking WhatsApp affect message notifications?

No, you’ll continue to receive message notifications. However, the message content will be hidden when the app is locked.

Can I lock individual chats instead of the whole app?

WhatsApp does not currently offer the feature to lock individual chats. The locking feature applies to the entire app.


  1. Open WhatsApp Settings
  2. Select Account
  3. Tap on Privacy
  4. Enable Screen Lock


Locking WhatsApp on your iPhone 13 is a wise move for anyone looking to protect their privacy. Whether you’re concerned about someone snooping through your messages or you just want that extra peace of mind, setting up a screen lock is a quick and easy solution. Remember to keep your passcode secret, and consider using Face ID for a seamless unlocking experience. It’s all about balancing convenience with security, and with these steps, you have the power to do just that.

As technology continues to advance and we store more sensitive information on our devices, taking proactive measures to safeguard our data is essential. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ve taken a significant step in protecting your personal conversations on WhatsApp. But why stop there? Consider extending the same level of protection to your other apps and online accounts. Stay vigilant, stay secure, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your private chats are just that—private.