How to Rename a Photo on iPhone 13: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Renaming a photo on your iPhone 13 is a breeze. Just follow these simple steps, and you’ll have your images organized with custom names in no time. Remember, a well-named photo is easier to find and share!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Rename a Photo on iPhone 13

Before diving in, it’s important to note that renaming photos on your iPhone 13 helps keep your photo library organized and makes it easier to locate specific images. Let’s get started on how to do it.

Step 1: Open the Photos app

Open the Photos app on your iPhone 13 to access your photo library.

Once you’ve opened the Photos app, you’ll see all your photos and albums. Navigate to the photo you want to rename.

Step 2: Select the photo you want to rename

Tap on the photo you want to rename to view it.

After selecting the photo, it will be displayed in full-screen mode.

Step 3: Swipe up on the photo

Swipe up on the photo to reveal additional options.

Swiping up on the photo will bring up the photo details, including any associated metadata and options for adding a caption.

Step 4: Add a caption to rename the photo

Tap on "Add a Caption" and type in your desired photo name.

The caption you add will serve as the photo’s name. Be sure to choose a name that is descriptive and easy to remember.

Once you’ve renamed the photo, it will be easier to find when you search in the Photos app. You’ll also be able to identify it quickly when sharing with others or syncing across devices.

Tips on How to Rename a Photo on iPhone 13

  • Keep your photo names short and descriptive for ease of search.
  • Use dates or locations to help remember when or where the photo was taken.
  • Consider creating a naming convention if you plan to rename multiple photos.
  • Remember that renaming a photo with a caption does not change the file name.
  • Don’t forget to save the changes by swiping down or tapping "Done."

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I rename multiple photos at once?

No, currently, you can only rename photos one at a time on the iPhone 13 by adding captions individually.

Will renaming a photo change its file name?

No, adding a caption to rename a photo in the Photos app does not change the actual file name of the image.

Can I remove a photo name after I’ve added it?

Yes, you can remove or edit the photo name by going back to the caption and deleting or changing it.

Will the photo name sync across all my devices?

If you’re using iCloud Photos, the photo names (captions) you add will sync across all devices where you’re signed in with the same Apple ID.

How can I search for a renamed photo?

You can search for a renamed photo by typing the caption name into the search bar in the Photos app.


  1. Open the Photos app.
  2. Select the photo to rename.
  3. Swipe up on the photo.
  4. Add a caption as the photo name.


Renaming photos on your iPhone 13 is a fantastic way to keep your memories organized and accessible. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast or just someone who likes to keep their pictures tidy, learning how to rename a photo on iPhone 13 can vastly improve your photo management experience. With the ability to add custom captions to your images, you’ll never have to scroll endlessly to find that one special photo again. Plus, the added ability to search by name makes sharing and reliving those memories just a few taps away.

Remember, although the process doesn’t change the actual file name, the convenience it adds to your photo browsing is priceless. So go ahead, give your photos some unique names and make them stand out in your collection. After all, each picture tells a story, and now your photo names can too. Happy organizing!