How to Share Screen in Messenger: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Sharing your screen in Messenger is a handy feature that can come in handy in several situations, whether you’re walking a friend through a complex computer task or showing off your latest project. In just a few taps or clicks, you can share your screen with someone else during a video call.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Share Screen in Messenger

Before we dive into the steps, let’s understand what sharing your screen in Messenger accomplishes. It allows the person on the other end of the call to see everything on your screen, just as if they were sitting next to you. This can be extremely useful for collaboration, troubleshooting, or just sharing something visually.

Step 1: Start a video call on Messenger

Initiate a video call with the contact you want to share your screen with.

Starting a video call is the first step because you can’t share your screen without being in a call. To do this, open the Messenger app, select the contact you want to call, and tap the video camera icon.

Step 2: Access the screen sharing feature

Once the call has started, swipe up on the toolbar at the bottom to reveal additional call options, then select the ‘Share Your Screen’ button.

This step is crucial because this is where you give Messenger permission to capture everything displayed on your screen. The ‘Share Your Screen’ button may look like two overlapping rectangles or may explicitly say ‘Share Your Screen.’

Step 3: Start sharing your screen

Confirm your choice if prompted, and start sharing your screen.

You might need to give Messenger permission to record your screen. Don’t worry; this is normal and necessary for the feature to work. Once you’ve granted permission, your screen will be shared with the other person in the call.

After completing these steps, the person on the other end will be able to see your screen. Remember that they’ll see everything, so be sure to close any personal or sensitive information before sharing.

Tips for Sharing Screen in Messenger

  • Make sure your internet connection is stable before sharing your screen to ensure a smooth experience.
  • Close any unnecessary applications to keep your screen uncluttered and focused on what you want to share.
  • If you’re sharing sensitive information, ensure you trust the person you’re sharing your screen with.
  • Be aware that there might be a slight lag between your actions and what the other person sees, so move slowly and deliberately.
  • If you encounter any issues, try restarting the Messenger app or your device.

Frequently Asked Questions

What devices can I use to share my screen in Messenger?

You can share your screen from both iOS and Android devices, as well as from Messenger’s desktop version.

Most modern devices support screen sharing in Messenger, but if you’re unsure, check your device’s compatibility or update the app to the latest version.

Can I share my screen in a group call?

Yes, you can share your screen in a group call in Messenger.

Sharing in a group call works the same way as in a one-on-one call. Just be aware that everyone in the group will see your screen.

Is it safe to share my screen in Messenger?

As long as you trust the person or people you’re sharing with, it’s safe to share your screen.

Messenger uses encryption to protect your calls, but remember that you’re showing the other person everything on your screen, so exercise caution with personal information.

Can I share audio while sharing my screen?

Yes, on some devices, you can share system audio while sharing your screen.

This feature is device-dependent, so it might not be available on all devices. Check your device’s capabilities if you need to share audio.

What should I do if screen sharing isn’t working?

If you’re having trouble, make sure you’ve updated Messenger to the latest version and that your device supports screen sharing.

If issues persist, try restarting your device or reinstalling the Messenger app.


  1. Start a video call on Messenger.
  2. Access the screen sharing feature during the call.
  3. Start sharing your screen after confirming any prompts.


In conclusion, the ability to share your screen in Messenger is a powerful tool that can enhance your communication and collaboration experiences. Whether for work or personal reasons, screen sharing can bridge the gap between just explaining and actually showing. With the simple steps outlined above, you can seamlessly share your screen with friends, family, or colleagues, making your interactions more productive and engaging. Remember to use the feature responsibly and be mindful of the information you’re displaying. As technology continues to advance, features like screen sharing will only become more integrated into our everyday lives, simplifying tasks that once seemed complex. So, go ahead and give it a try—happy screen sharing!