How to Remove Non-Friends from Facebook Messenger Active List: A Guide


Ted Stinson

Are non-friends cluttering up your Facebook Messenger active list? It’s a common annoyance, but don’t worry, there’s a simple solution. By following a few quick steps, you can remove these unwanted contacts and enjoy a more streamlined Messenger experience. Ready to clean up your chat list? Let’s dive in!

Step by Step Tutorial on Removing Non-Friends from Facebook Messenger Active List

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, it’s essential to understand that the steps below will help you tidy up your Messenger by removing non-friends. These are people you’ve interacted with on Messenger but aren’t connected to on Facebook. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Open Messenger and go to the People section

Head over to Messenger and find the People icon, usually at the bottom of the screen.

The People section is where you’ll find a list of everyone you’ve recently chatted with on Messenger, including non-friends.

Step 2: Find the active list

Within the People section, you’ll see the Active tab. Tap on it to see who’s currently online.

The Active list shows you all the people who are currently available to chat, including those non-friend contacts you want to remove.

Step 3: Identify non-friends you want to remove

Scroll through the list and find the non-friends you no longer want to see in your active list.

You can identify non-friends by looking for people who don’t have the "Friends on Facebook" label next to their name.

Step 4: Remove non-friends from the active list

To remove a non-friend, simply tap on their name and select "Remove from Messenger" or press and hold their name and choose "Remove."

By selecting "Remove from Messenger," you’re essentially blocking that person from contacting you on Messenger and they will no longer appear in your active list.

Step 5: Confirm the removal

A pop-up will ask if you’re sure about removing the contact. If you are, press "Remove" to confirm.

Once you confirm, the non-friend will be removed from your active list and they won’t be able to message you unless you add them as a friend on Facebook or unblock them in Messenger settings.

After completing the above steps, your Facebook Messenger active list should be free of non-friends. You’ll no longer see those unwanted contacts when browsing your active list, making for a more pleasant messaging experience. Plus, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that only your actual Facebook friends can see when you’re online and available to chat.

Tips for Removing Non-Friends from Facebook Messenger Active List

  • Regularly review your Messenger active list to keep it clutter-free.
  • If you’re unsure about removing someone, you can mute their chat instead.
  • Remember that removing a non-friend from Messenger doesn’t unfriend them on Facebook.
  • Removing someone from your active list doesn’t delete your chat history with them.
  • If you change your mind, you can always add a non-friend back to Messenger by sending them a message.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the non-friend know I’ve removed them from my Messenger active list?

No, the non-friend will not be notified that you’ve removed them from your active list.

Removing someone from your active list is a private action that doesn’t generate any notification. They’ll only realize they can’t message you if they attempt to do so and find they’re unable to.

Can I remove multiple non-friends at once?

Unfortunately, Messenger doesn’t currently support the removal of multiple non-friends at one time.

You’ll have to remove each non-friend individually by following the steps outlined above.

Does removing a non-friend from Messenger delete our chat history?

No, removing a non-friend from Messenger doesn’t delete your chat history with them.

Your past conversations will still be accessible in your chat history unless you choose to delete them manually.

What happens if I accidentally remove a friend instead of a non-friend?

If you accidentally remove a friend from your Messenger active list, you can easily add them back.

Just search for their name in Messenger, open the chat, and send a new message. This will automatically add them back to your active list.

Is it possible to block a non-friend instead of just removing them?

Yes, you can choose to block a non-friend instead of simply removing them from your active list.

Blocking someone on Messenger not only removes them from your active list but also prevents them from contacting you or seeing your activity on the platform.


  1. Open Messenger and navigate to the People section.
  2. Access the Active list.
  3. Identify non-friends you wish to remove.
  4. Remove each non-friend from the active list individually.
  5. Confirm each removal.


Cleaning up your Facebook Messenger active list by removing non-friends is a breeze with the steps provided. Not only does it help declutter your Messenger interface, but it also enhances your privacy and ensures that only your actual friends can see when you’re available to chat. Remember, maintaining a tidy Messenger list is akin to keeping a well-organized address book; it’s all about having quick and easy access to the contacts that matter most. So, go ahead, tidy up that list, and enjoy a more focused and streamlined messaging experience. And if you ever have any questions about how to remove non-friends from Facebook Messenger active list or any other Messenger-related queries, don’t hesitate to reach out or search for answers – there’s a whole community of users just like you!