How to Turn Off iMessage on Android: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Turning off iMessage on an Android device might seem confusing, especially since iMessage is an Apple-exclusive feature. However, if you’ve recently switched from an iPhone to an Android phone, you might still be receiving texts via iMessage, which can cause issues with your text messaging. Luckily, there’s a quick way to deactivate iMessage and ensure that all your texts come through as regular SMS messages on your Android device.

Step by Step Tutorial: Turning Off iMessage on Android

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to understand that you’ll be disabling iMessage from your Apple account, which will impact how you receive messages on all your devices. This process ensures that your contacts with iPhones will send messages to your Android phone as standard text messages.

Step 1: Remove your SIM card from your Android device

Before you start, remove the SIM card from your Android device and insert it back into your iPhone. This will allow you to access the iMessage settings associated with your phone number.

Step 2: Turn off iMessage

On your iPhone, go to Settings > Messages. Toggle off the iMessage switch. This will disconnect your phone number from the iMessage service.

Turning off iMessage is essential to stop your messages from being sent to your old iPhone. This step is crucial if you want to receive messages on your Android phone.

Step 3: Deregister from iMessage

If you no longer have access to your iPhone, you can visit Apple’s Deregister iMessage webpage. Enter your phone number, and you’ll receive a confirmation code via SMS on your Android device. Enter this code on the webpage to deregister.

Deregistering from iMessage ensures that Apple removes your phone number from the iMessage system. It’s a necessary step if you can’t complete Step 2.

After completing these steps, your phone number will no longer be associated with iMessage. Any text messages sent from iPhone users will now reach your Android device as regular SMS messages. It may take a few hours for the changes to take effect, so don’t worry if it doesn’t happen instantly.

Tips: Ensuring Smooth Messaging After Disabling iMessage on Android

  • Before removing iMessage, inform your contacts that you’ve switched to Android so they can adjust their message settings if needed.
  • If you experience issues receiving texts after disabling iMessage, restart your Android device.
  • Confirm with your carrier that your phone number is correctly configured for SMS messaging on your Android phone.
  • Keep your iPhone turned off for a period after disabling iMessage to avoid confusion with incoming messages.
  • Check with friends or family members to send test messages to confirm everything is working properly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I still don’t receive messages on my Android after turning off iMessage?

If you’ve followed all steps and still have issues, contact Apple Support for further assistance. Sometimes, it may take up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect.

Can I use iMessage on an Android device?

No, iMessage is exclusive to Apple devices. There are alternative messaging apps for Android that offer similar features.

Will turning off iMessage affect my Apple devices?

Yes, it will disable iMessage for your phone number across all your Apple devices. However, you can still use iMessage with your Apple ID.

Can I reactivate iMessage if I switch back to iPhone?

Absolutely. Simply insert your SIM card back into your iPhone and toggle iMessage on in the settings.

What should I do if I don’t have my old iPhone anymore?

Visit Apple’s Deregister iMessage webpage to deregister your phone number without needing access to your old iPhone.


  1. Remove the SIM card from your Android and insert it into your iPhone.
  2. Turn off iMessage in iPhone settings.
  3. Deregister from iMessage online if necessary.


Switching from an iPhone to an Android device can come with a few messaging hiccups, especially when it comes to iMessage. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you receive all your messages on your new device without any confusion or delay. Remember to inform your contacts about the switch and verify that your phone number is properly set up for SMS messaging with your carrier. And don’t worry, if you decide to return to the world of Apple, reactivating iMessage is just as simple. Remember, patience is key; it may take a little time for everything to work smoothly after turning off iMessage on Android. Keep testing with friends and stay in touch with your carrier or Apple Support if problems persist.