Changing Default Apps for File Types on Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Changing the default apps for file types on a Mac is a handy trick that can save you a lot of time and frustration. Whether you want to open PDFs in Adobe Reader instead of Preview, or you prefer to use VLC for your video files instead of QuickTime, it’s a simple process to change the apps that automatically open your files.

Step by Step Tutorial: Changing Default Apps for File Types on Mac

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to understand that this process will change the default app for all files of a certain type. For example, if you change the default app for PDFs, all PDFs will now open in the new app you select.

Step 1: Right-click on a file of the type you want to change

Right-click on a file of the type you want to change the default app for. This is the starting point for changing the default app. It’s important to select a file of the correct type, as this will dictate which app is changed.

Step 2: Click ‘Get Info’

After right-clicking on the file, a menu will appear. From this menu, select ‘Get Info’. This will open a new window with information about the file you’ve selected.

Step 3: Expand the ‘Open with:’ section

In the ‘Get Info’ window, you’ll see a section labeled ‘Open with:’. If this section is not already expanded, click on the triangle next to it to reveal the apps that can open this file type.

Step 4: Select the app you want to use from the dropdown menu

From the dropdown menu in the ‘Open with:’ section, select the app you want to use as the default for this file type. If the app you want to use is not listed, you can click ‘Other…’ to locate and select it.

Step 5: Click ‘Change All…’

After selecting the app you want to use, click the ‘Change All…’ button. This will set the selected app as the default for all files of this type.

Step 6: Confirm the change

A confirmation dialog will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to change the default app for all files of this type. Click ‘Continue’ to confirm the change.

After completing these steps, all files of the selected type will now open in your chosen app by default.

What Happens After Changing Default Apps

Once you’ve changed the default app for a file type, any time you double-click a file of that type, it will automatically open in the new app you’ve selected. This change is system-wide, meaning it applies to all files of that type on your Mac.

Tips for Changing Default Apps for File Types on Mac

  • Make sure the app you want to use is installed on your Mac before trying to set it as the default.
  • If you frequently work with a specific file type, consider setting your most-used app as the default to streamline your workflow.
  • Remember that changing the default app will apply to all files of that type, not just the one you right-clicked on.
  • You can always revert back to the original default app by following the same steps and selecting the original app from the ‘Open with:’ dropdown menu.
  • Keep in mind that some file types may only open in specific apps, so not all apps will be available for every file type.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I set different default apps for different files of the same type?

No, setting a default app will apply to all files of that type on your Mac.

What if the app I want to use isn’t listed in the ‘Open with:’ dropdown menu?

You can click ‘Other…’ to browse your Mac and select any app that is capable of opening that file type.

Will changing the default app affect files I’ve already opened in another app?

No, changing the default app will not affect files that have already been opened. It will only affect how files are opened in the future.

Can I change the default app back to the original app?

Yes, you can follow the same steps and select the original app from the ‘Open with:’ dropdown menu to revert back to the original default app.

Does changing the default app have any effect on the file itself?

No, changing the default app does not change the file itself, it only changes the app that opens the file by default.


  1. Right-click on a file of the type you want to change
  2. Click ‘Get Info’
  3. Expand the ‘Open with:’ section
  4. Select the app you want to use from the dropdown menu
  5. Click ‘Change All…’
  6. Confirm the change


Changing default apps for file types on your Mac is a quick and easy way to customize your computing experience and make it more efficient. Whether you’re a professional content creator who needs specific apps for multimedia files or someone who simply prefers an alternative to the pre-installed options, tailoring your Mac to suit your preferences can significantly enhance your productivity. Plus, with the ability to revert back at any time, there’s no harm in experimenting to find the perfect app setup for your needs. Give it a try and see how it streamlines your workflow!