How to Close Apps on iPad: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Closing apps on your iPad is a simple task that can help improve the performance of your device and extend its battery life. It’s pretty straightforward – double press the home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and then swipe up on the app you want to close. Easy peasy, right? Well, let’s dive into the specifics to make sure you’ve got it down pat.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Close Apps on iPad

Before we jump into the steps, it’s important to understand why you might want to close apps. Closing apps that you’re not using can free up memory, save battery life, and generally keep your iPad running smoothly.

Step 1: Access the App Switcher

Double press the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause in the middle until the App Switcher appears.

Accessing the App Switcher is like opening a door to see all the apps that are currently open on your iPad. If your iPad doesn’t have a Home button, don’t worry! The swipe up method works perfectly.

Step 2: Find the App You Want to Close

Swipe left or right to find the app you want to close.

Think of this step as flipping through the pages of a book to find the chapter you were reading. Each app is like a page, and you’re just looking for the right one.

Step 3: Close the App

Swipe up on the app’s preview to close it.

This motion is like throwing a piece of paper into a trash can. You’re literally swiping away the app you no longer need open.

Once you’ve closed the apps, you’ll notice that your iPad might run a bit faster, and you’ll likely save some battery life too. It’s a small action that can make a big difference in how your device performs.

Tips: Closing Apps on iPad

  • If an app is unresponsive, closing it and reopening it can often fix the issue.
  • You don’t need to close apps after every use, only when you feel it’s necessary.
  • Closing all apps is not recommended as it might slow down your iPad when reopening them.
  • Some apps run in the background, so closing them doesn’t always stop them from working.
  • Regularly updating your apps can also help improve performance and reduce the need to close them frequently.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I close multiple apps at once?

You can use multiple fingers to swipe up on several app previews simultaneously.

Just like when you’re trying to carry all your groceries in one trip, you can use both hands to close multiple apps at once. Efficiency for the win!

What should I do if an app won’t close?

Try restarting your iPad by holding down the power button and then sliding to power off.

Sometimes an app can be stubborn, just like a jar that won’t open. A good restart can often do the trick.

Will closing apps save battery life?

Yes, closing apps can save battery life, especially if the apps are using location services or running background tasks.

It’s like turning off lights in a room you’re not using – it saves energy!

Do I need to close apps all the time?

No, you don’t need to close apps constantly. iOS manages apps efficiently, so only close them if you notice performance issues.

Your iPad is smart and can handle a lot on its own. Only step in when you need to.

Can closing apps improve my iPad’s performance?

Yes, closing apps can improve performance, especially if your iPad is running slow or if an app is unresponsive.

It’s like clearing clutter from a desk – it helps you focus and get things done more efficiently.


  1. Access the App Switcher
  2. Find the App You Want to Close
  3. Close the App


Closing apps on an iPad is like tidying up your digital workspace. It’s a simple, yet effective way to keep your device running smoothly. Whether you’re trying to save battery life, improve performance, or just want to start fresh, knowing how to close apps is a useful skill for any iPad user. Remember, you don’t have to close apps obsessively, but doing it when necessary can make a noticeable difference. Keep your iPad happy, and it will keep you productive, entertained, and informed. Happy swiping, and may your iPad run as swiftly as a gazelle in the savannah! If you ever forget how to close apps on iPad, just come back to this article for a quick refresher.