How to Save Battery on iPhone 13: Top Tips and Tricks


Ted Stinson

Are you tired of your iPhone 13 dying on you when you need it the most? Fear not, as I’m here to walk you through some simple steps to help you save battery life and keep your device up and running longer. After reading this quick overview, you’ll know how to adjust settings and habits to ensure your battery lasts throughout the day.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Save Battery on iPhone 13

Before diving into the nitty-gritty, let’s set the stage. The steps we’re about to go through are designed to extend your iPhone 13’s battery life by managing how your phone uses power. Simple adjustments can make a big difference, so let’s get started.

Step 1: Update to the Latest iOS Version

Keep your iPhone 13 updated with the latest iOS version to ensure you have the newest battery-saving features.

Apple frequently releases updates that can help improve your iPhone’s overall performance and battery life. These updates can include patches that fix battery drain issues or introduce new settings that help conserve power.

Step 2: Adjust Screen Brightness and Timeout

Lower your screen brightness and reduce the auto-lock timeout to save battery.

The display is one of the biggest battery drainers on any smartphone. By keeping the brightness at a lower level and setting your phone to lock sooner, you’re significantly reducing the amount of power it uses.

Step 3: Enable Low Power Mode

Turn on Low Power Mode when your battery is running low or if you know you’ll be away from a charger for an extended period.

Low Power Mode temporarily reduces background activity like downloads and mail fetch until you can fully charge your phone. It’s an immediate and effective way to extend your battery life when it’s running critically low.

Step 4: Manage Location Services

Limit the use of location services to only necessary apps and disable it for others.

Location services can be a massive drain on your battery, as they use GPS, Bluetooth, and cellular data to determine your location. Limiting which apps can use this service will help save a significant amount of battery life.

Step 5: Monitor and Close Unused Apps

Regularly close apps that you’re not using.

While iOS is pretty good at managing background processes, keeping a bunch of apps open that you’re not using can still affect battery life. It’s a good habit to close them when you’re done.

After completing these steps, your iPhone 13 should have a notably longer battery life, allowing you to get through your day without constantly worrying about your next charge.

Tips to Save Battery on iPhone 13

  • Use Wi-Fi instead of cellular data whenever possible, as it uses less battery.
  • Turn off push notifications for apps that aren’t crucial.
  • Set email accounts to fetch new mail less frequently or manually.
  • Disable dynamic backgrounds and reduce motion effects in your phone’s settings.
  • Use headphones instead of the phone’s speakers to listen to audio.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I charge my iPhone 13?

Charge your iPhone 13 whenever it’s convenient for you. Modern batteries are designed to handle frequent charging.

Does closing all apps improve battery life?

While it’s not necessary to close all apps, shutting down ones you’re not using can help save battery life.

Will using a battery case extend my iPhone 13’s battery life?

Yes, a battery case can provide additional charge, effectively extending your phone’s battery life.

Is it bad to charge my iPhone 13 overnight?

No, it’s not bad. Your iPhone is designed to stop charging once the battery is full, so it won’t overcharge.

Can dark mode help save battery on my iPhone 13?

Yes, using dark mode can help save battery life, especially on OLED screens where black pixels are turned off.


  1. Update to the latest iOS version.
  2. Adjust screen brightness and timeout.
  3. Enable Low Power Mode.
  4. Manage location services.
  5. Monitor and close unused apps.


Saving battery on your iPhone 13 is not rocket science—it’s all about making smart choices and tweaks to your settings and usage habits. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should experience a noticeable improvement in your battery life. Remember, it’s the little things that add up. A dimmer screen here, a closed app there, and before you know it, you’re getting through your day without the panic of a dying phone. It’s all about being proactive with your device’s health.

If you’ve found these tips helpful, keep exploring and tweaking settings to find the perfect balance for your usage. And, if you’re ever curious about more ways to optimize your iPhone experience, there’s a whole world of resources and communities out there dedicated to just that. So go ahead, give your iPhone 13 the care it deserves, and enjoy the freedom of not being tethered to a charger all day long!