Maximizing Battery Life on MacBook: Tips and Tricks


Ted Stinson

Maximizing the battery life of your MacBook is essential to ensure you can work, play and stay connected without constantly searching for an outlet. By following a few simple steps, you can extend your battery life and keep your MacBook running efficiently for longer periods.

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Maximizing Battery Life on MacBook

Before we dive into the details, let’s understand what we’re aiming for. By following these steps, you will optimize your MacBook’s settings and habits to reduce power consumption and enhance battery lifespan.

Step 1: Adjust Energy Saver Settings

Go to System Preferences and select ‘Energy Saver’ to adjust settings that control your MacBook’s power usage.

In the Energy Saver pane, you’ll find options for setting the amount of time before your MacBook goes to sleep, enabling Power Nap, and other features that can save energy. For instance, setting the display to sleep after a shorter period of inactivity can conserve significant battery.

Step 2: Reduce Screen Brightness

Dim your screen brightness by using the F1 and F2 keys.

A bright screen consumes a lot of power, so by reducing brightness to a comfortable level, you’ll save energy. Just press F1 to lower the brightness or go to System Preferences > Displays to adjust the slider.

Step 3: Turn Off Keyboard Backlight

Press the F5 key until the keyboard backlight turns off.

The keyboard backlight can be a real power drainer, especially in well-lit environments where it’s not needed. Turning it off can add minutes or even hours to your battery life.

Step 4: Close Unnecessary Apps and Tabs

Quit any apps you’re not currently using and close unnecessary browser tabs.

Each open app and browser tab consumes processing power and, consequently, battery life. Keeping only the essentials open ensures that your MacBook isn’t working harder than it needs to.

Step 5: Disconnect Peripherals and Quit Unnecessary Services

Eject any external drives and stop services like Bluetooth when not in use.

Connected devices and services like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi can drain your battery. Disconnect anything that’s not in use to extend your battery life.

After completing these steps, you should notice an improvement in your MacBook’s battery life. By managing energy use more efficiently, you’ll be able to work longer without charging and reduce the wear and tear on your battery over time.

Tips for Maximizing Battery Life on MacBook

  • Avoid extreme temperatures as they can affect battery performance and lifespan.
  • Keep your MacBook updated with the latest software as updates often include energy-saving technologies.
  • Use the built-in activity monitor to identify energy-consuming processes and apps.
  • Enable ‘Reduce Motion’ in Accessibility settings to minimize energy-consuming animations.
  • Consider using Safari over other browsers, as it is optimized for Mac and generally uses less battery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do if my MacBook battery drains quickly?

Check for energy-consuming apps and make sure your MacBook is updated with the latest software, which often includes battery performance improvements.

Is it bad to leave my MacBook plugged in all the time?

Yes, it’s not recommended to keep your MacBook plugged in constantly. It’s best to let the battery run down to about 20% before charging it up to 80%, to maintain battery health.

How often should I calibrate my MacBook battery?

It’s generally suggested to calibrate your MacBook battery every few months to ensure accurate battery life readings.

Can I replace the battery in my MacBook?

Yes, Apple offers battery replacement services, and there are also third-party providers who can do the job, but ensure they are reputable and use high-quality parts.

Does using low power mode help save battery life?

While MacBooks don’t have a low power mode like iPhones, following the steps in this tutorial effectively creates a similar effect, reducing energy consumption.


  1. Adjust Energy Saver settings
  2. Reduce screen brightness
  3. Turn off keyboard backlight
  4. Close unnecessary apps and tabs
  5. Disconnect peripherals and quit unnecessary services


Maximizing battery life on your MacBook isn’t just about making it last longer on a single charge; it’s about extending the overall lifespan of your battery. By implementing the steps we’ve outlined – from adjusting your Energy Saver settings to disconnecting unnecessary peripherals – you’ll ensure that your MacBook remains efficient and effective for years to come.

Remember, your MacBook is a powerful tool, and like any tool, it requires care and maintenance to perform at its best. Regularly check your battery’s condition, keep your software updated, and be mindful of how you’re using your MacBook.

Maximizing battery life is not only beneficial for you as a user, allowing more flexibility and mobility, but it’s also better for the environment. Fewer charges mean less energy consumption and a lower carbon footprint. So, take these steps to heart, and you’ll not only save time and hassle but also contribute to a greener planet.

And, if you ever feel like your MacBook isn’t holding a charge like it used to, don’t hesitate to visit an Apple Store or an authorized service provider. They can perform diagnostic tests and replace your battery if necessary. Remember, taking care of your MacBook’s battery is an investment in its longevity and your productivity.