How to Brighten iPhone 13 Screen: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Looking to brighten up your iPhone 13 screen? It’s easier than you might think! With a few quick steps, you can adjust your screen’s brightness to better suit your needs, whether you’re trying to save battery life or just need a little extra light.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Brighten iPhone 13 Screen

Before we dive into the individual steps, let’s talk about why you might want to brighten your iPhone 13 screen. Maybe you’re in a well-lit room and your screen is hard to see, or perhaps you’re someone who likes a brighter screen for reading or gaming. Whatever the reason, these steps will help you get there.

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Launch the Settings app on your iPhone 13.

Opening the Settings app is the gateway to all the customizable features on your iPhone, including screen brightness. You can find the app by looking for the gear icon on your home screen or by using the search feature.

Step 2: Select Display & Brightness

Tap on “Display & Brightness” from the settings menu.

Once in the Settings app, you’ll see a variety of options. “Display & Brightness” is typically near the top of the list, so you won’t have to scroll far to find it.

Step 3: Adjust the Brightness Slider

Move the brightness slider to the right to increase screen brightness.

The brightness slider is easy to spot—it’s right at the top of the “Display & Brightness” section. Dragging it to the right will make your screen brighter. The farther you move it, the brighter your screen will become.

After completing these steps, your iPhone 13 screen will be brighter, making it easier to see in various lighting conditions.

Tips for Brightening iPhone 13 Screen

  • Adjust your screen brightness according to your current lighting situation to save battery life.
  • Consider using Auto-Brightness, which automatically adjusts your screen brightness based on ambient light.
  • Reduce the white point in Accessibility settings for a less intense brightness.
  • Use Night Shift mode to reduce blue light and make the screen easier on your eyes at night.
  • Remember that a brighter screen can drain your battery faster, so keep a charger handy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I turn on Auto-Brightness?

Auto-Brightness can be turned on by going to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size and toggling on the Auto-Brightness option.

Auto-Brightness is a handy feature that uses your iPhone’s sensors to adjust the screen brightness based on the light around you. It’s great for maintaining an optimal viewing experience without constantly adjusting settings manually.

Can I adjust brightness from the Control Center?

Yes, you can quickly adjust your screen brightness from the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of your screen and using the brightness slider.

The Control Center is a quick-access menu that lets you adjust various settings without diving into the full Settings app. It’s perfect for making quick adjustments on the fly.

Will a brighter screen affect my battery life?

Yes, a brighter screen typically uses more battery power and may drain your battery more quickly.

To conserve battery life, keep your screen brightness at a lower level when possible, and consider using features like Auto-Brightness and Night Shift to help manage screen brightness automatically.

Is there a way to schedule brightness changes?

Yes, you can schedule Night Shift mode to automatically adjust screen brightness and color temperature at certain times of the day.

Night Shift can be accessed and scheduled through Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift. Here, you can set specific times for the feature to activate or deactivate, as well as adjust the color temperature to your preference.

What if my screen still isn’t bright enough?

If your screen isn’t bright enough even at maximum brightness, check for any screen protectors or cases that may be dimming the display. If the issue persists, your device may need to be checked by a professional.

Sometimes screen brightness issues can be caused by hardware problems. If you’ve tried all the software adjustments and your screen is still not bright enough, it might be time to seek help from Apple Support or a certified repair center.


  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Select “Display & Brightness”.
  3. Adjust the brightness slider to increase screen brightness.


Mastering the brightness of your iPhone 13 screen is key to a comfortable and enjoyable user experience. Whether you’re out in the sunshine or tucked away in a cozy corner, having control over your screen’s brightness can make all the difference. Remember, the steps are simple: head to Settings, tap “Display & Brightness,” and slide that brightness bar to your heart’s content. And don’t forget to play around with those handy features like Auto-Brightness and Night Shift for an even smarter, eye-friendly display.

In the tech-savvy world of today, our screens are our lifelines. So, keep these tips and tricks in mind to ensure your iPhone 13 is shining bright whenever you need it. And if you ever find yourself squinting or struggling to see, just pop open those settings and give your brightness a quick boost. After all, isn’t technology all about making life a little easier and a bit more vibrant? That’s how to brighten iPhone 13 screen, folks! Happy adjusting!