How to see battery percentage on iPhone 12: A step-by-step guide


Ted Stinson

Seeing the battery percentage on your iPhone 12 is a piece of cake once you know where to look. Simply swipe down from the top-right corner of your screen to open the Control Center, and voilà, your battery percentage will be displayed in the top-right. Easy, right? Now let’s dive into the details.

Step by Step Tutorial to See Battery Percentage on iPhone 12

Before we jump into the steps, it’s important to note that checking your battery percentage can help you manage your iPhone’s battery life more efficiently. Knowing exactly how much juice you’ve got left can save you from getting caught with a dead phone at the worst possible moments.

Step 1: Wake up your iPhone 12

Wake up your iPhone 12 by tapping the screen or pressing the side button. You don’t need to unlock your phone to see the battery percentage, which is handy if you’re in a rush.

Step 2: Access the Control Center

Swipe down from the top-right corner of your screen. This is where you access the Control Center, which is the hub for a quick glance at various settings and features on your iPhone 12.

Step 3: View your battery percentage

Once the Control Center is open, look in the top-right corner. Next to the battery icon, you’ll see the exact percentage of battery left on your iPhone 12.

After you’ve completed these steps, you’ll know exactly how much battery life you have left on your iPhone 12. No more guessing if you’ve got enough power to get you through the rest of the day!

Tips to See Battery Percentage on iPhone 12

  • Remember that you can access the Control Center from any screen, even if you’re in the middle of using an app.
  • If you’re charging your iPhone 12, the battery percentage will also show up on the lock screen.
  • Make sure that your iPhone’s software is up to date to avoid any glitches with displaying the battery percentage.
  • If you find the battery percentage isn’t showing, try restarting your iPhone 12 as this can often fix minor software issues.
  • Consider enabling the battery percentage feature in your iPhone’s settings to always have it displayed in the status bar.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see the battery percentage on my iPhone 12 without swiping down?

No, you must swipe down to access the Control Center where the battery percentage is displayed.

Does checking the battery percentage often drain the battery?

No, checking the battery percentage does not significantly affect battery life.

Can I add the battery percentage to the status bar permanently?

Not on iPhone 12, but you can add a widget to your home screen that shows battery life.

Why can’t I see the battery percentage on my iPhone 12?

If you’re unable to see the battery percentage, make sure that you’re swiping down from the correct corner and that your iOS is up to date.

Will the battery percentage display be affected by using a case on my iPhone 12?

No, a case on your iPhone 12 should not affect the display of the battery percentage.


  1. Wake up your iPhone 12.
  2. Swipe down from the top-right corner to access the Control Center.
  3. View the battery percentage next to the battery icon.


Now that you’re an expert on how to see the battery percentage on iPhone 12, you’ll never be caught off guard by a low battery again. This simple yet crucial feature is just another way Apple ensures you stay connected throughout your day. With easy access via the Control Center, staying informed about your battery life is literally at your fingertips.

Remember, keeping an eye on your battery percentage can help you better plan when to charge your phone, or when to activate power-saving modes. In today’s fast-paced world, our smartphones are our lifelines, so managing battery life is more important than ever. Whether you’re using your iPhone 12 for work, play, or anything in between, knowing how to quickly check your battery percentage is a small but mighty tool in your tech-savvy arsenal.

Happy swiping, and stay charged, my friends!