How to Turn Off Mac with Keyboard: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Turning off your Mac using the keyboard can be a quicker and more convenient method than using the mouse or trackpad. It’s as simple as pressing a few keys, and voila, your Mac shuts down. Ready to learn how? Let’s dive in.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Turn Off Mac with Keyboard

Before we jump into the steps, it’s important to understand what we’re aiming to achieve. Shutting down your Mac using the keyboard is a straightforward process that involves using specific key combinations. This method can be particularly useful if your mouse or trackpad isn’t working, or you simply prefer using keyboard shortcuts.

Step 1: Press the Power Button

Press and hold the power button on your Mac for about 1.5 seconds.

When you press the power button, a dialog box will appear on your screen with options to Restart, Sleep, Cancel, and Shut Down. If you’re using a Macbook, the power button may be a key on the keyboard itself.

Step 2: Use the Arrow Keys

Press the right arrow key until the "Shut Down" button is highlighted.

Using the arrow keys ensures you don’t mistakenly select the wrong option. Once "Shut Down" is highlighted, you’re just one step away from turning off your Mac.

Step 3: Press the Return Key

Press the Return key to select "Shut Down."

Pressing the Return key will initiate the shutdown process. Make sure you have saved all your work and closed all applications before doing this, as you won’t be able to cancel the shutdown once it starts.

Once you complete these steps, your Mac will begin its shutdown sequence. All running applications will close, and the system will power down completely. It’s a quick and efficient way to turn off your computer without ever having to take your hands off the keyboard.

Tips: How to Turn Off Mac with Keyboard

  • Make sure to save all your work before shutting down to avoid losing any unsaved changes.
  • If the normal shutdown process doesn’t work, you can force a shutdown by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds, but this should be used as a last resort.
  • You can also use keyboard shortcuts to restart (Command + Control + Power button) or put your Mac to sleep (Option + Command + Power button).
  • To prevent the dialog box from appearing and shut down immediately, press Control + Option + Command + Power button.
  • If you have unsaved work, the system will prompt you to save before shutting down, so don’t worry about accidentally losing your files.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I turn off my Mac without the power button?

Yes, you can use the keyboard shortcut Control + Option + Command + Power button to shut down without using the power button.

Will my Mac save my work before shutting down?

If you have unsaved work, the system will prompt you to save before shutting down.

What if my Mac doesn’t shut down when I use the keyboard shortcut?

If your Mac doesn’t respond to the keyboard shortcut, you may need to force a shutdown by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds.

Can I cancel a shutdown after initiating it with the keyboard?

Once you press the Return key to confirm "Shut Down," the process cannot be canceled. However, you can cancel before confirming by pressing the Escape key.

Is it safe to turn off my Mac using the keyboard?

Yes, turning off your Mac using the keyboard is just as safe as using the mouse or trackpad, as long as you follow the proper steps.


  1. Press and hold the power button for about 1.5 seconds.
  2. Press the right arrow key until "Shut Down" is highlighted.
  3. Press the Return key to select "Shut Down."


Mastering the art of shutting down your Mac with the keyboard can save you time and hassle, especially if you’re experiencing issues with your mouse or trackpad. With the simple steps outlined above, you can turn off your Mac effortlessly, ensuring a smooth and swift shutdown process. Remember to save all your work before taking this action, as you don’t want to lose any important files. And if you ever encounter any issues or have questions, the tips and FAQs sections are your go-to resources for additional guidance. As you can see, learning how to turn off Mac with keyboard is not only easy but also a valuable skill to have in your tech arsenal. So, next time you’re ready to power down your Mac, why not give these keyboard shortcuts a try?