Scanning a QR Code from a Picture on iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ted Stinson

Scanning a QR code from a picture on an iPhone is a handy skill to have in today’s digital world. It’s a simple process that involves using your iPhone’s camera or a QR code reader app to scan the code from an image. Once you know the steps, you’ll be able to access the information or website linked to the QR code with ease.

Step by Step Tutorial: Scanning a QR Code from a Picture on iPhone

Before we dive into the steps, let’s understand what we’ll be accomplishing here. By following the steps below, you’ll learn how to scan a QR code that’s displayed in a picture on your iPhone. This could be a screenshot you’ve taken, an image sent to you, or a photo you’ve found online.

Step 1: Open the Photo with the QR Code

Open the photo that contains the QR code you want to scan.

When you have the photo open, make sure the QR code is clearly visible. If the photo is too dark or blurry, the scanner may not be able to read the QR code.

Step 2: Use the iPhone Camera or a QR Code Reader App

Use your iPhone camera or a QR code reader app to scan the QR code in the photo.

Position your camera so the QR code appears on the screen. If you’re using a QR code reader app, follow the app’s instructions to scan the code.

Step 3: Wait for the Scan to Process

Wait for your iPhone to recognize and scan the QR code.

Once the code is scanned, your iPhone will process the information. This might take a few seconds, so be patient.

Step 4: Access the Linked Content

Tap on the notification that appears to access the content linked to the QR code.

The content could be a webpage, a video, or any other type of information that the QR code is linked to. Tapping on the notification will take you directly to it.

After you complete these steps, you’ll be directed to the content or information that the QR code is linked to. This could be a website, a coupon, a video, or other digital content. Scanning a QR code from a picture on your iPhone is that simple!

Tips: Scanning a QR Code from a Picture on iPhone

  • Make sure the QR code is well-lit and in focus to ensure a successful scan.
  • If the photo is a screenshot, zoom in on the QR code to fill the screen for a better scan.
  • Use a QR code reader app if the iPhone camera doesn’t recognize the QR code.
  • Clean your camera lens for clarity if you’re having trouble scanning.
  • Practice scanning different QR codes to become more familiar with the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I scan a QR code from a picture on my iPhone without an app?

Yes, you can use the iPhone’s built-in camera to scan a QR code from a picture without the need for a separate app.

What do I do if my iPhone camera won’t scan the QR code?

Try cleaning your camera lens, ensuring the QR code is in focus, or using a QR code reader app if the iPhone camera fails to scan the QR code.

Can I scan a QR code from a picture on my iPhone if it’s not a screenshot?

Yes, you can scan a QR code from any picture on your iPhone, whether it’s a screenshot, a photo sent to you, or an image you found online.

Will scanning a QR code from a picture on my iPhone work with a printed photo?

Yes, you can scan a QR code from a printed photo using your iPhone, but the code needs to be clear and in focus.

What happens if I scan a QR code and nothing happens?

Check your internet connection, ensure the QR code is not damaged or altered, and try rescanning. If it still doesn’t work, the QR code may not be linked to any content.


  1. Open the photo with the QR code.
  2. Use the iPhone camera or a QR code reader app to scan the QR code.
  3. Wait for the scan to process.
  4. Access the linked content.


Scanning a QR code from a picture on your iPhone is a breeze once you know the steps. It’s a skill that’s becoming increasingly essential as QR codes become more prevalent in our daily lives. Whether it’s to grab a quick discount, access a menu, or watch a video, knowing how to scan a QR code from a picture ensures you won’t miss out on convenient and exciting opportunities. Remember to ensure that the QR code is clearly visible and well-lit for a successful scan. And don’t worry if it doesn’t work the first time; just try again or use a QR code reader app. Happy scanning!