iOS 17: How to Add Screen Record on iPhone Easily


Ted Stinson

Adding a screen record feature to your iPhone running iOS 17 is a nifty trick that can come in handy for various purposes. Whether you want to capture a gameplay, create a tutorial, or save a video clip, screen recording is a useful tool. In less than 100 words, here’s how you do it: Go to Settings, find Control Center, add Screen Recording, and then you can easily record your iPhone’s screen with just a tap.

Step by Step Tutorial: How to Add Screen Record on iPhone

Before we dive into the steps, it’s important to know that adding the screen record feature will allow you to capture everything that happens on your iPhone’s screen. This includes apps, notifications, and any other activity.

Step 1: Open Settings

Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

In the Settings menu, you’ll find a variety of options, but for now, we’re focused on adding screen record to your Control Center.

Step 2: Scroll to Control Center

Scroll down the list until you find the Control Center option and tap on it.

Control Center is the menu that appears when you swipe up from the bottom of your screen (or down from the top right corner on newer iPhones).

Step 3: Customize Controls

Under ‘More Controls,’ find ‘Screen Recording’ and tap the green ‘+’ button next to it.

This will add the screen recording feature to the Control Center, making it easily accessible whenever you need it.

Step 4: Access Control Center

Swipe up or down (depending on your iPhone model) to access Control Center.

You’ll see a new icon that looks like a solid circle inside a thin ring. That’s the screen record button!

Step 5: Start Recording

Tap on the screen record icon to start recording your screen.

There will be a three-second countdown before the recording starts, which gives you a brief moment to prepare.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your iPhone will start recording everything on your screen. When you’re done, just tap the red status bar at the top of your screen and hit ‘Stop.’ The video will be saved to your Photos app.

Tips for Screen Recording on iPhone

  • Make sure you have enough storage space on your iPhone before you start recording.
  • Turn on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode to avoid getting notifications during your recording.
  • You can add a microphone audio to your screen recording by long-pressing the record button and turning on the microphone.
  • If you want to capture a specific part of a video or app, practice the action first before recording.
  • Remember that some apps may not permit screen recording due to copyright or security reasons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the screen recording feature capture audio?

Yes, it can capture both internal and external audio. To include your voice, just turn on the microphone before recording.

Where are screen recordings saved on my iPhone?

They are saved in the Photos app, under the ‘Videos’ album.

How long can I record my screen?

There’s no time limit for screen recording on iPhone, but the duration may be dependent on your available storage space.

Can I edit my screen recording?

Absolutely! You can trim, cut, or add effects using the Photos app or any other video editing app of your choice.

Will screen recording work on all apps?

Most apps are compatible with screen recording, but some apps that play protected content may not allow it.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Scroll to Control Center
  3. Customize Controls
  4. Access Control Center
  5. Start Recording


Now that you know how to add screen record on your iPhone with iOS 17, the world is your oyster! From creating instructional videos to capturing memorable moments, the possibilities are endless. With this feature, you can easily share your screen activity with friends, family, or even followers if you’re into social media. Just remember to respect privacy and copyright guidelines when recording content from your device. Happy recording, and don’t forget to explore more features that iOS 17 has on offer to enhance your iPhone experience!