iOS 17: How to Turn Off Calendar Alerts on iPhone Easily


Ted Stinson

Are calendar alerts on your iPhone becoming too much to handle? You’re not alone. Many of us get bombarded with reminders and alerts that can easily become overwhelming. Luckily, with iOS 17, turning off these alerts is a simple task. In just a few taps, you can have a more peaceful and alert-free iPhone experience.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Turn Off Calendar Alerts on iPhone

Turning off calendar alerts on your iPhone is a simple process that can help you manage your notifications better. Let’s go through the steps to achieve a quieter iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Settings app

Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.

The Settings app is where you can adjust all the preferences for your iPhone, including notifications and alerts.

Step 2: Tap on ‘Notifications’

Scroll down and tap on the ‘Notifications’ option in the Settings app.

This is where you can manage all the alerts for different apps on your iPhone.

Step 3: Select ‘Calendar’

Find and select ‘Calendar’ from the list of apps.

The Calendar app is where all your scheduled events and reminders live, and hence, it’s the source of many alerts.

Step 4: Toggle off ‘Allow Notifications’

Toggle off the switch next to ‘Allow Notifications’ at the top of the screen.

By toggling off this option, you will stop all notifications from the Calendar app, including alerts for upcoming events and meetings.

After completing these steps, your iPhone will no longer display calendar alerts. You can now enjoy a less intrusive phone experience without the constant reminders of upcoming events.

Tips on Managing Calendar Alerts on iPhone

Here are some additional tips that might help you manage your calendar alerts better:

  • If you don’t want to turn off all calendar alerts, you can customize the types of notifications you receive. For example, you can choose to receive alerts for only specific calendars or events.
  • You can also adjust the time that alerts are sent to you. If you find that getting an alert 15 minutes before an event is too soon, try changing it to an hour or a day before.
  • Use the ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature during important times when you cannot be disturbed by alerts.
  • Consider using the ‘Scheduled Summary’ feature, which allows you to schedule a summary of your notifications at a time that suits you.
  • Keep your calendars organized by deleting old or irrelevant events, which can help reduce unnecessary alerts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will turning off calendar notifications affect my scheduled events?

No, turning off calendar notifications will not affect your scheduled events. They will still be saved in your calendar; you just won’t receive alerts for them.

Can I turn off alerts for just one calendar event?

Yes, you can turn off alerts for individual events by editing the specific event in the Calendar app and adjusting the alert settings.

Is it possible to customize the alert sound for calendar notifications?

Yes, you can customize the alert sound for calendar notifications by going into the Calendar settings within the Notifications section of the Settings app.

What if I still receive calendar alerts after turning them off?

If you’re still receiving calendar alerts, make sure you’ve followed the steps correctly and that you’ve turned off notifications for the correct calendar. You may also need to restart your iPhone.

Can I set different notification preferences for different devices?

Yes, notification preferences are set per device. So you can have different notification settings for your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.


  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Tap on ‘Notifications’.
  3. Select ‘Calendar’.
  4. Toggle off ‘Allow Notifications’.


Managing your iPhone’s calendar alerts is an excellent way to minimize distractions and stay focused on what’s important. With iOS 17, turning off these notifications is easier than ever, giving you control over what grabs your attention. Remember, it’s not just about turning off these alerts; it’s about curating a digital environment that works for you. With the tips and frequently asked questions provided, you have the tools to fine-tune your iPhone’s notifications to your personal preferences. So go ahead, give it a try, and enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with a well-managed iPhone. And of course, if you ever need to turn those calendar alerts back on, you now know exactly how to do it.