How to Mark All Emails as Read on Mac: A Quick Guide


Ted Stinson

Feeling overwhelmed with the barrage of unread emails in your inbox? Don’t worry, marking all emails as read on Mac is a simple task that can be completed in just a few clicks. By doing this, you can clean up your inbox and get rid of the distracting notification badge. Let’s dive into how you can achieve an organized and read inbox in no time.

Step by Step Tutorial to Mark All Emails as Read on Mac

Before we get started, it’s important to understand that this process will mark all of your emails as read, not just the ones in your inbox. This means any unread emails in other folders will also be marked as read, so make sure this is what you want before proceeding.

Step 1: Open the Mail App

Launch the Mail app on your Mac by clicking on its icon in the Dock or finding it in the Applications folder.

The Mail app is where all your emails are housed, so this is naturally our starting point. Make sure you’re logged in to your email account if it prompts you.

Step 2: Select All Emails

Press Command (⌘) + A on your keyboard to select all emails in the current mailbox.

This handy shortcut selects every single email, whether it’s read or unread. It’s a quick way to highlight everything without having to click each email individually.

Step 3: Mark as Read

Right-click on any of the selected emails and choose "Mark as Read" from the drop-down menu.

By right-clicking, you bring up the context menu which has a variety of options. "Mark as Read" is the one we’re after here, and clicking it will apply this status to all selected emails.

After completing these steps, all your emails will be marked as read, and your inbox will look much tidier. The red badge indicating unread emails will disappear from the Mail app icon, and you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that your inbox is under control.

Tips for Marking All Emails as Read

  • Make sure you actually want all emails marked as read, as this action can’t be undone easily.
  • If you only want to mark emails in a specific folder as read, navigate to that folder first before selecting all.
  • Use the search function to filter emails by date or sender if you only want to mark certain emails as read.
  • Consider creating rules in the Mail app to automatically mark emails as read from specific senders if they’re not important.
  • Regularly clean your inbox to prevent a buildup of unread emails in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you undo marking all emails as read?

Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to undo this action. You’d have to manually go through your emails and mark them as unread individually.

Can you mark all emails as read on the iPhone or iPad?

Yes, the process is similar on iOS devices. You can use the Edit button in the Mail app to select all and then mark as read.

Will marking emails as read on my Mac mark them as read on other devices?

Yes, if your email account is set up with IMAP (which most are), marking emails as read on one device will sync across all devices.

Can you mark only new emails as read?

Yes, you can sort your emails by date and only select the new ones to mark as read.

Is there a way to automatically mark emails as read after a certain period?

Some third-party email clients offer this feature, but the default Mail app on Mac does not.


  1. Open the Mail App
  2. Select All Emails
  3. Mark as Read


Organizing your inbox doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the simple steps on how to mark all emails as read on Mac, you can take control of your email clutter and maintain a clean, organized inbox. Remember, it’s also about prevention. Regularly managing your emails, setting up rules, and unsubscribing from unnecessary newsletters can save you from the headache of having to deal with a flood of unread emails in the future. So take a moment to tidy up your digital space; your future self will thank you. Whether you’re a busy professional or someone who wants to keep their personal inbox in check, mastering these email management skills is a valuable part of your tech-savvy repertoire.